Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Miss Information is looking forward to being annoyed by library school

Miss Information was sort of prepared for the break up--dividing of the CDs, the argument over the custody of the cat. Unexpectedly though, library school wants to give the relationship a chance. That’s good because Miss Information thinks she might need the salary increase to pay for psychiatric treatment.

The extra money would be a great comfort on days like today when the library network goes down. This is what typically happens—the pixies and the basilisk use the Internet as a football and break it. This is why we can’t have nice things. It’s sad but well, what can you do?

Here’s what you do if you’re one of the library customers. You sit down at a computer. Miss Information or one of her colleagues informs you that the Internet is broken. There is no Internet. You appear to understand. You move to another computer. Miss Information or one of her colleagues informs you that the Internet is broken. There is no Internet. You move to computer number 3. Surely there must be Internet on computer number 3. Miss Information goes for her pepper spray. It will give you something to think about while the Internet is in the shop.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger A'Llyn said...


This relationship has potential. I'm sure you and Library School will laugh and cry together, share and grow, blah blah, etc. etc. And once you graduate, you'll have a new life partner to send you little newsy updates and ask you for money every year forever!

It'll be awesome.

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true, happens everytime we go down. My favorite was when we had no power to the entire building, I told a customer and he says "that's okay I don't want to read I'm just going to check my email". Why does one have to spell out "No power = no computers"?

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when our washroom has an "Out of Service" sign on it. We get to watch people hit a locked door at high speed.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happens here, too! Last time, after an exchange much like the one you describe, the patron said, "Well, I'll just go over to the other branch and use their computers then" and, rather than explaining the idea of a network (AGAIN), I said, "That sounds like a plan!"

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think of it like a game show where a contestant has to choose between curtains 1, 2 or 3! In this case, the computers are curtains without the power! Good luck with library school, Miss Information. May your life be less tormented.

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in a couple of years, you will have to change your sub-title slightly: "The desperate life of a tormented librarian"...believe me the desperation and torment will increase tenfold...


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